Do You Give Freely?

The nature of the Universe is to give. When we are in harmony with the laws of the Universe, we cannot stop ourselves from giving.

Posted by The Secret on Thursday, September 17, 2015

Growth equals life

You have the ability to master what you do; to become the best at it. #BobProctor Coaching >

Posted by Bob Proctor on Sunday, September 13, 2015

Are you working on your Future of wealth?


Do you feel like you are stuck in your business? This is an awesome program to get you unstuck in what ever your business is.

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Ron E Wilbanks
To Your
Happiness, Health &



Are you still chasing shinny objects? STOP it!

Are you selling you or just another opportunity. You know that people follow people. Be genuine and connect with people for the purpose of bringing value to their lives.

           Ron E Wilbanks        
                 To your

Happiness, Health & Prosperity


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How uncomfortable are you?

Dialy Law of Attrction Quote 03-24This is very true as it is often called the fight or flight response meaning that when our backs against the wall we will either cower and run or we will stand and fight. BUT I ask you do you have to wait until you are back in a corner , dissolute, down and out, no options before we stand and fight for our dreams? This is why many successful don’t stay there because they never learned to be self motivated  and how to keep that fire burning because it required distress for them to react so when they reached success they could not maintain it. Learn to stoke your own fire of desire with out the drama, stress and discomfort. Learn controlled ciaos, learn to get yourself uncomfortable with your thoughts. He who controls his thoughts controls his destiny. I promise myself on a regular basis to not get so comfortable that I stop continuing to grow and work towards my dreams and create new dreams on the way. Don’t wait for disaster to strike before you make a change.

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because you just never know who else might need to hear this

To Your

Happiness, Health & Prosperity


P.P.S. Make some one smile today

Are you too Cautious?

Dail Law of attraction Inspirational quote 03-16Being cautious has it’s place especially when it comes to doing things that are physically unsafe. What we are talking about here is being to cautious and being afraid of failure in the affairs of the heart, life, business and adventure. Just think what the world would be like if some of the greatest inventors and explores didn’t take chances. Did they make mistakes on occasion? Yes! Did people make fun of them? Yes! Do people remember for their mistakes? NO! Edison, Einstein, Tesla, Columbus, all mad mistakes but are known for their great achievements because of the risks that they took in doing the things that they had passion for and for what they believed in. What are you passionate about? What do you believe in? What are you waiting for?

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because you just never know who else might need to hear this

To Your

Happiness, Health & Prosperity


P.P.S. Make some one smile today

What are you afraid of?

Daily Law of Attraction Inspirational Quote

What are you afraid of? Is fear of failure holding you back form success or even just taking that first step towards you dreams, goals and desires?  Perhaps FEAR is too strong of a word because we usually think of fear as being afraid of something physically like dogs, spiders or heights.

Let us not get hung up on semantics if you are not actively pursuing your dreams it is because you have doubt in your ability or worthiness to have what you are wanting. The plain truth is if you really want something and you believe that you deserve it you will do what ever it takes to achieve regardless of situation, circumstance or what other people say.

Remember when you were a kid how stubborn you were to make something work or build something even though everyone else said it would not work. Well you are older and wiser now and you know to surround yourself with people that will uplift you, that have and do what you want and that can help you achieve what you want. What would the world be like if we didn’t have dreamers and innovators?  We wouldn’t have electricity, running water, cars, computer, you get the idea. Get out there and go for yours.

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because you just never know who else might need to hear this

To Your

Happiness, Health & Prosperity


P.P.S. Make some one smile today

Have you sold yourself hope?

Daily Law of Attraction Inspirational Quote

How do you envision your future? Do you have big hopes and dreams? Do you BELIEVE that you can achieve and have these dreams? What are you doing to make them come true?  You have to create a vision in your mind that you can and will have what you want and that your God wants to give it to as long as you have faith and take action steps towards it.

On the days that you are down and doubtful you have to find ways to pick yourself up and recapture that happy feeling and faith that regardless of the current situation that you will achieve your goal no matter how long it takes or what obstacles that you have to overcome. I believe you and so do many other people that you don’t even realize.

The biggest difference between people that achieve there goals and those that don’t is the belief  and desire that they WILL  achieve their goals, It is not how smart they are or how they look, where they live or if they were born into money. Yes some have a better start then others but it is your desire and faith that will get you what in life.

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because you just never know who else might need to hear this

To Your

Happiness, Health & Prosperity


P.P.S. Make some one smile today