Are you beating yourself up about your Health and weight?

 Get started and stop beating yourself up. This is not an easy journey but if you any desire at all of improving your health and fitness then you owe it to yourself and for a peace of mind to get started. It’s not a diet it is a journey, a life style. Here is the link
Ron E Wilbanks
to your
Happiness, Health and

Did you over eat this Memeorial weekend?

How did you do over the weekend? How are you doing on your goal in general? do you have a goal and plan in place? Do you have a support system in place? Do you have a way to get motivated on those tough days or an incentive to keep you going?

Join my facebook Group

Ron E Wilbanks
To your

Happiness, Health & Prosperity


P.S. Be sure to share this if you think there is some one that may

need to hear and I would love to hear your comments as well .

Have you sold yourself hope?

Daily Law of Attraction Inspirational Quote

How do you envision your future? Do you have big hopes and dreams? Do you BELIEVE that you can achieve and have these dreams? What are you doing to make them come true?  You have to create a vision in your mind that you can and will have what you want and that your God wants to give it to as long as you have faith and take action steps towards it.

On the days that you are down and doubtful you have to find ways to pick yourself up and recapture that happy feeling and faith that regardless of the current situation that you will achieve your goal no matter how long it takes or what obstacles that you have to overcome. I believe you and so do many other people that you don’t even realize.

The biggest difference between people that achieve there goals and those that don’t is the belief  and desire that they WILL  achieve their goals, It is not how smart they are or how they look, where they live or if they were born into money. Yes some have a better start then others but it is your desire and faith that will get you what in life.

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because you just never know who else might need to hear this

To Your

Happiness, Health & Prosperity


P.P.S. Make some one smile today

Are you an Action taker or do you just plan?


Oh boy is this so true. I was sharing this with a client on a group coaching session just the other day. Planning is good but action is better. I use to be a big planner but followed it with little action because I would over analyze things, you know the procedure, what if this happens or this could go wrong so maybe I should do it this way, these words don’t sound just right this picture isn’t perfect…………STOP IT. Nothing will ever be perfect in the beginning, you will always have to make adjustments as you go, AS YOU GO, you have to get going first. Once you start taking action towards your goal more ideas will come to you people will start to offer suggestions and assistance because you are in action. Focus on the goal acting as if you have already attained it. When I stated on my health challenge I saw myself as a fit healthy sexy beast so through out the day when it came time to eat or exercise I would ask myself, self, what would a healthy fit sexy beast eat or how would he exercise and by doing this I stated making better choices and now do I not only think like a healthy sexy beast I am one… Act as if!

 P.S. Pay it forward and Share if you found this useful

and leave a comment if you have a similar story because

you never know who else could benefit from it


To Your

Happiness, Health & Prosperity


 P.P.S Don’t forget to smile at someone today   

Are You Ready To Jump?


This is just another way of saying that some times you have to just get moving with your best plan that you have and start moving towards your goal, make adjustments and figure things out along the way. Inactivity is the biggest killer of all dreams and goals. As you start to take action towards you goal answers will start to come to you. When I started on my journey to better health I started on super bowl weekend even though we were having a party. I didn’t wait even though I didn’t have a perfect plan I just knew that I had to get started and to stop making excuses for waiting. There will always be reasons to put things off. Since then I have developed an ideal menu and exercise routine that came from many setbacks but as a result of jumping off that proverbial cliff and figuring it out as I went I am now in the best shape of my life and yes this includes my High school and Army days. What ever your goal is make a choice TODAY to start taking daily action steps towards it.


P.S. Please Comment and Share if you found this useful

because you just never know who else might need to hear this


P.P.S. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you need help getting started

on any of your goals just click on the contact me tab at the top right


To Your

Happiness, Health & Prosperity


Staying Healthy for the Holidays

Don’t let the Holiday season interfere with your health. When you put something in you mouth I want you to make a conscious effort to think about what you are consuming, what is it going to do for your body. After you have enjoyed the taste and it is now traveling down your throat, where is it going? How will it benefit or harm your body? Will it strengthen you or weaken you? Will it help build your immune system or break it down? Will it make your bones stronger or weaker?


No Easy Button

weight loss is is no different than anything else in life that is worth achieving, if you are struggling or failing in an endeavor, dig deeper, identify the problem, make the proper adjustments and stay persistent until YOU make it work. DON’T look outside of yourself or for an easy button.

overcoming those health obstacles

First I want to thanks for sharing. We are all motivated differently so I will give my best fundamental answers here and we can touch base one on one if you would like, also anyone else in the group is welcome to share how they over come these obstacles.


Bottom line is that everything starts in your mind, you have to desire the end result more than you care for the current condition. Duh, right but Ron how do I do that? Will power is great up to a point but will power only takes us so far, what was once hard is now easy with practice. My suggestion is to write down why you desire to lose the weight and what it will feel like once you reach your goal. I say write it down because the act of writing tends to commit to memory and then you can also go back and read it when needed. Take a few minutes each day to read your statement and truly feel how good it will feel once you reach your goal. You can use past successes to help generate these feelings, by doing this you are getting your sub conscious transfixed on the end result and will eventually take over like a guided missile to it’s target. It takes 6 months of consistent exercise for your body to become addicted to exercise at which at that point it will be unnatural for you to not exercise. More specifically for motivation to exercise, schedule time, make it a must instead of a should, preferably in the morning, start slow and build up doing something that you can enjoy. As for snacking, count the calories that you have consumed in t he past few days, approximately 300o calories equals 1 pound. Don’t eat for pleasure eat for your health, ask yourself, Self, what is this going to do for my body, is it good, bad, do I really need it Right now? Set certain times to snack and be sure to portion it, never eat straight out of the container. I hope this helps, accountability is a big motivator, that is what got me to take it to the next level, was a video contest. Now of course I could have just quit the contest, it was just a tool for me to use as motivation. You guys are more than welcome to contact me if you more specifics because I would have to have more information form you. Either way please keep us updated on your progress.