3 must do fundamentals to lose weight

scaleFirst and for most you have to have the right mindset. Getting and staying healthy has to be a MUST not a should. You must make up your mind that you must become healthy and live a healthy lifestyle.

Now the good news is that you don’t have to give up every thing that you love, the bad news is that there are some things that you are going to have to give up, it is all about portion control. I cannot get in to all of the details here because every body is different and everybody has a different situation.

If you are just starting out you have to start by reducing your calorie intake. Don’t go to an extreme, for the first couple of weeks keep an eye on your calories and keep it to around 2000 per day.

Next start exchanging the bad calories that you were taking with good ones, this is where shakes, juicing and supplements come in, your body has to have the proper nutrients to function properly.

Now start an exercise routine, keep it simple, fun and a variety, remember we what something that we can live with for the rest of our lives.

Once you have a decent menu and routine established then you can cut back on the calories and step up the exercise but you want a solid foundation to return to because if you go back to your old bad habits you go back to you old bad health. Don’t wait for injury or illness to get you motivated, it’s your choice.

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STOP failing and start winning, it’s your choice!


Everything in life starts with a choice. You can accept things the way that they are or you can do something to change them. Your life can change in a second with a choice. Feeling Happy and having a burning a desire for what you do are two of the main ingredients in attaining what you want, easier said then done right? Walking was difficult at one time but now you have mastered it (hopefully). Anything worth while takes practice and practice makes things easier. We don’t know what we don’t and that is why it is important to have a coach or a mentor, someone that can help guide us down the path and lead us I the right direction. I can’t give you all that you need in this one post because this is an ongoing journey that requires daily practice. Once you start to master the art of living then everything else starts to fall into place because everything that you do is done with joy and pleasure. How do you start, focus on the fundamentals and what are they, Feeling happy in everything that you do and having a passion and burning desire for what you do. If you found this useful be sure to comment and share.