How do you handle Life’s Challenges?

Change is challenging, challenges lead to growth and growth is essential to life. How do we handle the changes and challenges to grow in life? It is a little different for all of us, some of the fundamentals that I have found are gratitude and faith. BUT, there is always a but, it starts with a daily practice of clearing your mind, setting clear intentions and expecting that things will ALWAYS work out for the best. Anger, fear, sadness, these are normal and healthy emotions, it is part of being human. The trick is to recognize the reason for the emotion, appreciate and allow it, don’t react hastily, give it a little time but don’t stay there too long, move back to a happy feeling as soon as possible. It is very difficult to create what you want when your mind and body are not in a good place. Now that you are in a good place you can see the situation for what it is and see how it will get you to the intentions and expectations that you set earlier with the faith and absolute knowing that it will all work out.