What is your burning desire?

Daily Law of Attraction Inspirational Quote

How do you keep your fire burning? have you even found you fire? Have you had that one thing that you were always excited to do and you were always thinking about. Can you recall that moment when you wanted something so bad that it consumed most of your thoughts and you did everything to achieve it?

I know that I have and it has been different things, one time it was a girl another time it was work related as I had just been promoted to District Manager and wanted to do all that I could to make a change and to be an awesome Manager and spent many hours developing new systems and processes.

Now I have a new passion but some days it is still difficult to keep that fire burning strong. You have to be more of you so that you can give more of yourself to others. Let’s dig deep and find that child like burning desire to achieve your goals and go for it.


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There is Always a Way!

Daily Law of Attraction InspDaily Law of Attraction Inspirational Quoteirational Quote

Yes, How does this apply to you? If you are in business for yourself and an Entrepreneur we often run into obstacles as we chase our dreams of financial freedom while providing value to others. People telling us no to our offers or telling us it won’t work, computer problems, software not working right, partners flaking out on us BUT we can’ quit we have to find a solution not only for ourselves but for those that follow us as well.

We are the pioneers clearing the path for the like minded. When your desire to succeed is bigger than any problem then you will always find a way.

Using your Desire allows you to tap in to the law of Attraction, which will always guide you to finding a way to achieve your dreams.

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Are You Afraid of Doing or Learnig Something New?

Daily Law of Attraction Inspirational Quote

Practice, practice and more practice, repetition is the key. When you think about it we have had to work at every thing we do from walking, tying our shoes, riding our bike, writing, driving a car and the list goes on and on. So why do we shy away form hard work to master a new skill as we get older.

Change equals challenge equals growth equals life and Life equals change. Be grateful that you have challenges in life, embrace them and realize and live in the faith that it will get easier. Once you get the right mindset and stop looking at challenges and having to learning something new as a problem but rather as a new experience in life to grow as a person and embrace the experience, at that point you will shorten the learning curve and be less stressed.

Don’t shy away from learning something new because the more that you know the more valuable you become to others and have a better opportunity to serve your fellow man.

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Does Your Work Feel Like Play?

Daily Law of Attraction Inspirational Quote

This one pretty much says it all. As an Entrepreneur this is what we strive for is to be able to make “work” our play, to say that we enjoy our “work” so much that we are having so much fun that we would do it for free. What is your dream and what are you actively doing to pursue it? Do you enjoy your job? If you could do it anything that you wanted to what would it be?


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What Are You Afraid of?

Daily Inspirational quote

Fear is an unsubstantiated emotion and belief in a future out come based on a past experience. The emotion of fear is great because it makes us aware of impending danger, it is then up to us to turn fear into courage so that we can properly react to said danger. If you are walking through the woods and come across a bear your natural emotion would be fear, you then have to take appropriate action for survival or DIE. Today we are talking about fear in building a business and accomplishing a goal but I hope this put it in perspective for you as far as you will not DIE from failing in a business opportunity. As long as you stay focused on your main goal nothing else matters, you cannot get stuck in a paralysis of fear of failure, failure just means that you figure out what does not work. Thomas Edison reportedly failed 10,000 times in developing the light bulb but he said that he successfully found 10,000 ways that did not work. Don’t look to fail but failures are inevitable so use them as learning tools in achieving your goals. I use to not like the phrase fail faster until I understood the meaning. It doesn’t mean to fail it means to move faster towards your goal because some failures are inevitable and the faster that you learn how not to do something the faster you learn how to do it the right way. Fear is an emotion to guide you not to keep you from doing something, it simply means proceed with caution but by all means PROCEED keep moving and avoid making the same mistakes twice, when you learn from your mistakes it then becomes a success the emotion of fear is just there to remind you to not make that same mistake. You ultimately determine your destiny through thoughts, don’t let fear throw you off course because when you change the way you think about things the things you think about will change.    


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How long should you try?

How Long Should Yopu Try?

This is one of my favorites that I refer to often. I have always had the desire for financial freedom and the ability to attract money to me for any and all of my needs and to be able to be, do, have and give as I pleased. Through the years my pursuit towards this desire has gone up and down, an ebb and flow like the tides just like many things in life but that ultimate desire for financial freedom has always been there. The ways that I have tried to obtain it has changed and been refined but have stayed true to my goal and during my journey I have increased the desire and I am now getting closer every day to making it a reality. Set your goals, write them down and even use pictures then write out an action plan and TAKE ACTION but never give up. 2 steps forward and 1 backwards is still forward progress because w e all know that life = change = challenges = growth. Imagine for a moment if you will that you are laying on your death bed and you are reflecting on your life, no, seriously take to do this, really get into the feeling that the end is here no second chances and see how many things you regret NOT doing. You really can’t regret not achieving something that you gave 100% too so then the questions remains did you, are you giving 100% to achieving your goals? At the moment you have tomorrow but one day time WILL run out. Michael Landon (actor form little house on the prairie and Bonanza) was quoted from his deathbed “Someone should tell us when we are born that we are dying”

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Do You Do Things Half A$$?


Do you ever procrastinate, do things half way or not all or you say “I will do it later or I will do it better next time” You have to do best that you can and everything that you can in this moment. Do all that you can in this day as efficient as you can and this day will have been a success. To try to do anymore than you are capable of or any less in a given day will lead to failure for that day. Do all that you can and to the best of your ability in this moment. Working out? Push your cardio to 85% no more no less; lift your weights to the point of muscle failure, no more no less. Building a business?  Give your full attention to a specific project even if it is only for one hour at a time, do not “multi task” this leads to long drawn out projects do to the lack of focus. If you were on an operating table would you want your doctor working on you and another patient at the same time or would you prefer his undivided attention and focus? You are the doctor and you are operating on your life so give each project the attention it deserves, some time it takes more than one surgery to fix a problem so give your full attention and time to what you are doing in the moment. Oh by the way this includes having fun…..Work Hard play hard! If it is time to relax and play then put the work down and focus on having fun.


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You Need Help!

01-14This reminds me of another quote “You don’t know what you don’t know” or unconscious incompetence. There is truly no such thing as a self made person or self made millionaire. True that some may not have had things handed to them but everyone that raised above the their situation and achieved their dreams, goals and aspiration, they all had mentors and coaches along the way to take them through the four steps of learning 1. unconscious incompetence – you don’t know what you don’t know – 2. conscious competence = I am now aware that I don’t know how – 3. conscious competence = I now know how to do it with effort – 4. unconscious competence = I now do it proficiently with out having to think about it. Find some one that has and does what you want and emulate them even if it is from a distance through reading and videos, stay true and focused and you will attract the Mentor – “When the Student is Ready To Learn The Teacher Will Appear”


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NO easy Button!

6What does success mean to you? success is not always about money and wealth. The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted: attributed their success in business to hard work. There is rarely an easy path to success in what ever you are doing. Embrace the journey, take it one step and one day at a time, do it right and you will have long term success in all of your endeavors.

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My experience whith Empower Network

My goal is to be as transparent and truthful as possible. Life and building a business can be difficult enough with out some one misleading you. I have struggled and been mislead enough that is easier these days for me to recognize it. It is not always on purpose or intentional and that is why we have to have confidence and be clear on what our goals are. Seek out those that have what you want, open your mind and prepare to learn but stay away from negativity. If you want the link to the video that I Am referring to I will be glad to send it to you.