Are you grateful? It raises your HQ!

gratefullAre you grateful, because it raises you HQ = Happiness Quotient. Being grateful will you to be happier. I have realized that I need to rephrase what I am saying from, you need to be happy to you need to be happier. Every day we will experience several different emotions and it is our job to be happier. You can’t go form being completely pissed off to happy but you can do it in stages and be happier. Being grateful is great way to get happier because remember that you are no good to anyone when you are angry and upset. Not being angry or upset does not meant hat you accept the situation it just gives you a clearer head so that you can achieve your desired results and finding something to be grateful for in the situation is a good way to get to a happier place.

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Be Happy, Yes you can!

HappyNot feeling so happy today. DO you ever get that blah feeling and you don’t really know why? Those are your emotions telling you that something needs to be addressed.  I know why I feel this way, I am not having the success at the pace that I desire in part because I am not doing what I need to do to achieve that success and that is because of past failures. I know this because I have taken the time to  get to know myself  better. My first goal for today is to get myself in a happier state then to address the issue of getting over past failures and keep moving towards my goals. These things are not easy and can’t be done alone or I should say that they are much more difficult to do alone and that is why I am here, to help. We should all have some one to turn to for guidance and motivation. Now go have an awesome day.

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Thinking Positive, is it for the birds?

aThinking positive is not just turning a blind eye to what is wrong, it is more of focusing on the solution and I am assuming that what ever the situation is that you want a positive solution, therefor you must think positive. YES I CAN,  where there is a will there is  a way, this too shall pass, I can do this, how do I fix this, what is the answer, what is the desired out come, do you get the idea? Thinking any other way will not get you the results that you  desire. Some of us are afraid of being happy and of success so we tend to focus on the negative and that is something that you will have to work on. just look around you and see how many problems have been solved to provide us with all the things that we have like clothes, cars, roads, building, running water, electricity in every home, phones, TV, airplanes, ships etc.


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What is your purpose? To be Happy!

8Some people may think that being happy is selfish but it is quite the opposite. You are not of much good to anyone when you are angry, upset, sad, depressed and so on, there for you have to figure out how to over come those feeling when they arise  and get back to a happier feeling because they will arise as it is a part of life. We don’t live in a perfect world and no one expects you to be perfect, all we can do is be better than we were yesterday and that starts by getting happier.

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