
Are you a Hypocrite?

Are you a Hypocrite?


noun \ˈhi-pə-ˌkrit\

: a person who claims or pretends to have certain beliefs about what is right but who behaves in a way that disagrees with those beliefs


I would be so bold that most if not all of us have been hypocritical at some point or another in our lives. Some of know that we are hypocrites and some just don’t even realize it. I find it funny that my 14 year old daughter openly admits that she is a hypocrite.


Now I am not necessarily talking about being a hypocrite in a negative way as I always try to find the positive in everything. I was once a hypocrite on many fronts for many years and I used that as fuel to make a change. I was once a smoker, I only smoked about a pack a week never around the kids or in the house and I did not take breaks at work to smoke but none the less I smoked and did so for many years. The bad part is that I used the fact that I didn’t smoke a lot to be hypocritical of those that did smoke more. The good news is that I quit cold turkey. I was also hypocritical of those whom were over weight just because I worked out and carry my weight well I was still over weight (FAT) up to 275 at one point in my life and my I ideal BMI is 195. I am happy to say that I am now down to 205 pounds and feeling great.


Ok, great Ron you quit smoking, lost weight, stopped drinking blah blah blah but what does this mean to me, well my friend it simply means that you to can change. Starting today every time you start to talk about or criticize some one I want you to take a look at your self and see if there is some thing that you can improve in your life. Use this as fuel to make yourself and your life better, this is a simply way to give us the reminder to help us to focus on ourselves instead of others. It takes a lot of discipline, motivation help and encouragement to make change even though we know that we need it. Enjoy and embrace the journey, we are not perfect creatures but part of our purpose in life is to get better each and every day as we lead by example to help others to do the same.

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To Your

Happiness, Health & Prosperity


Is It Time For A Change?

Is it time for change? Of course it is, we should always be challenging ourselves and changing for the better. If we continue to do what we have always done we will continue to get what we have always gotten. Change can be as simple as changing how we put on our shoes in the morning, or where we sit at the table at dinner time so go ahead and get a different perspective on life just be making small changes. Many species have evolved over the years with small changes for the purpose of increasing the chance of survival and the quality of life; I can certainly relate, can you? Go ahead use your imagination and try a pattern interrupt and see what happens.


P.S. Let me know what your results are

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To Your

Happiness, Health & Prosperity


Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to ALL of you. We all have something to be grateful for, obviously some more than others. I

ask you, if you don’t all ready to make a habit of giving thanks and being grateful each and every day. Like attracts like, meaning that what you are truly grateful for you will attract more of it into your life.

To your

Happiness, Health and Prosperity

P.S. Comment and share if you find truth in my words.



Happiness = Relationships?

joyful-woman_jump_on-beach-What does Happiness mean to you? Do you get irritated by people that are always Happy? Being Happier then you currently are should be a daily goal because it does rub off on others, it is healthier and you make better decisions when you are Happy. Start with you, get to know yourself, figure out what makes YOU tick, how to motivate yourself and get your self to a Happier sate of mind. Don’t rely on people or things to make you happy you know as well as I do that true happiness comes from with in and is directly related with the relationship that you have with your creator, because ultimately you are one in the same.

Are you grateful? It raises your HQ!

gratefullAre you grateful, because it raises you HQ = Happiness Quotient. Being grateful will you to be happier. I have realized that I need to rephrase what I am saying from, you need to be happy to you need to be happier. Every day we will experience several different emotions and it is our job to be happier. You can’t go form being completely pissed off to happy but you can do it in stages and be happier. Being grateful is great way to get happier because remember that you are no good to anyone when you are angry and upset. Not being angry or upset does not meant hat you accept the situation it just gives you a clearer head so that you can achieve your desired results and finding something to be grateful for in the situation is a good way to get to a happier place.

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