Alone at Christmas

christmas22Merry Christmas! As I sit here and reflect in a quiet house because the kids are at their mothers I am once again reminded that TRUE Happiness comes from with in. It can be easy to get sad when you are alone especially during the Holidays but when you are at peace in your heart and at peace with your creator you KNOW that you are loved. Having something to look forward to also makes it easier, for example I will be picking up the kids later and going to my parents for Christmas dinner but for life in general we have to have something to look forward to. A few things that I have learned over the years to get through tough times and find inner peace and Happiness is to know with out a shadow of doubt and unwavering faith that I am loved by my creator, family and friends, despite how things my APPEAR at times and I stick to this belief because I know it to be fact. As for having something to look forward to I have learned that we can have, do and be anything that we set our minds to. The Bible says ask and ye shall receive, he that knocketh the door will be opened. Now we all know that it is not always that simple but when you do things for the betterment of others, maintain a clear focus of your goal/dream and remember to LIVE in the moment and enjoy the journey, the process becomes so much easier. Everything starts with a thought so DREAM big and take massive action. Anything worth doing is worth doing badly, meaning that if it is action towards your dream don’t wait until you are perfect or for the perfect moment just get moving. Find an accountability partner a mentor, study, learn and take action every day towards your dreams whether it is the perfect soul mate, improving your current relationship, making money, raising your kids, getting healthy because it is up to you to make it happen. Here is a little quote for you “If it is going to be, it is up to me”. And remember that the reaching of one goal is just the beginning of the next one, when you stop growing you start dying so keep growing as a person and striving to be better than you were yesterday and in return you will make those around you better and this is how we make the world a better place one person at a time starting with ourselves. I wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS an Very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

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To Your
Happiness, Health & Prosperity

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