Yes! It is your fault.

Yes! It is your fault.


How often do you blame your situations and circumstances on other people, things or places? I have adopted the philosophy that I am accountable for absolutely everything that happens to me, both good and bad. Yes, that means take credit for the good things, that also means take credit for the bad things even when it is obvious it was not your fault. Now I am talking about taking blame for a car accident when some one rear ends you but do take responsibility for the fact that you were there in that moment in time that put you in place to be hit. Let me explain why, this is not about whose fault it is a bout moving forward and how can you move forward and have control if you are giving the control to other people and circumstances? This is about you looking deeper in to yourself to see how you can make things better because or you could have done things differently for future reference. We both know that just sitting around waiting for answers or for some else to fix the problem is just very unlikely.


Try it for a week, take full and absolute responsibility for everything that happens to you. Some things will seem a little absurd at first but you will be surprised at how liberating it is and how empowered you will feel. You will start to see solutions to problems that you never thought possible because you have now taken ownership of them and become responsible for the solutions.


I often like to refer to the Serenity prayer – “God grant me the Serenity to accept the things that I can not control; the courage to change the things that I can and the wisdom to know the difference. Of course in life there will be things that we cannot change that were not our fault and just random act of the Universe, this is when we ask for the strength to move on and power through. Release the idea that God is dictating your life (ask ye shall receive) you have heard the phrase “be careful what you ask for”? God is and always will be on your side, we are our own worse enemies so start taking a closer look at your thoughts and wishes. People that think marriage sucks have bad marriages and people that think marriage is great have great marriages. You can have 2 people working at the same place and one thinks it sucks and the other thinks it’s a great place to work and this is because of what YOU bring to it with your thoughts and attitude. I use to not like the phrase “things happen for a reason” then I realized that it is true and the reason is YOU! Some things are random but most things that happen to YOU are brought on by YOU. It is up to us to find the positive lesson from the things that happen to us.

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To Your

Happiness, Health & Prosperity


One thought on “Yes! It is your fault.”

  1. Yes, I agree, we are the creators of our life – as simple as that fact is, many people have a hard time accepting that. I think our mindset and attitude is what colours the canvas of our lives and what then determines our behaviour and actions which shapes it.

    Thanks for another great post Ron. I like how short and to-the-point your videos are!

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