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If you are single and in search of a partner, are you in the physical condition that you are searching for in a
partner? Perhaps this will give you the motivation to achieve the health and fitness that you would desire in your mate. The type of bait you use is going to determine the type of fish that you catch.
I use the fishing analogy because I recently became reengaged on the dating site Plenty of Fish. I am going to share my journey with you and some insights on how to use the sight to your advantage. I was of a mind that I did not have time for a relationship and that the specific partner that I am looking for will be very difficult to find until I went through a Tony Robbins workshop and realized that life is meant to by shared and is 10x better when shared. Nothing compares to seeing and experiencing your joys and pleasures through the eyes of another. I see now that I can have that special person now that I have identified what I want and need. Part of the problem is that in the beginning it is all fun and fairytales when actually in the very beginning stages is when we need to do the work and ask the hard questions. You have to identify your MUSTs and MUST NOTs you SHOULDs and SHOULD NOTs. Don’t be afraid to offend or be embarrassed of your wants, needs and goals because you are looking for a LIFE time partner here.
I can go out and have a great time with anybody but the reality is that we have to deal with kids, religious beliefs, politics, short term and long term goals. If you are not sure what you want then make a list of what you know that you don’t want. We all expect and deserve honesty, kindness etc. How important is it to you to have a neat and organized house, health and exercise, your religious or spiritual beliefs. Create an environment that the 2 of you can be open, honest and non judgmental. Once you have established that you have solid common morals, principles and goals then you can go have fun and see if there is chemistry. Nothing can replace time with each other but most people are not extremely honest in the beginning and then that starts to show later after you have invested time into the relationship. Love is an emotion and comes and goes like the tide but true love is a choice. Don’t assume that love will get you through the hard times because if you choose the right partner there really won’t be any hard times. Relationships do require work but again if you do the hard work up front it should be effortless.
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Ron E
To your