
You Need Help!

01-14This reminds me of another quote “You don’t know what you don’t know” or unconscious incompetence. There is truly no such thing as a self made person or self made millionaire. True that some may not have had things handed to them but everyone that raised above the their situation and achieved their dreams, goals and aspiration, they all had mentors and coaches along the way to take them through the four steps of learning 1. unconscious incompetence – you don’t know what you don’t know – 2. conscious competence = I am now aware that I don’t know how – 3. conscious competence = I now know how to do it with effort – 4. unconscious competence = I now do it proficiently with out having to think about it. Find some one that has and does what you want and emulate them even if it is from a distance through reading and videos, stay true and focused and you will attract the Mentor – “When the Student is Ready To Learn The Teacher Will Appear”


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To Your

Happiness, Health & Prosperity


Author: Ron Wilbanks

Ron's Choice is to be happy, love and inspire others by my choices, actions and results

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