A little bike and run today..#fitOver40 #DoItBecauseYouCan #MakeItAMust #floridalife #ronschoice
When do you let go?

This is so very true, but the challenge is to know when to walk away. I believe that it is different for each of us as we all have different threshold and expectations. I am in eternal optimist and believe that anybody can change if they’re willing to, So it takes me a bit longer to walk away even though I’ve recognized the patterns. I believe that I do that because I want to make sure that I have no regrets and that I have given it my all. It’s not easy walking away but the sooner you do it the sooner you can begin the healing process and attract the right person into your life. and as a sidenote I never recommend trying to fix anyone but if you’re in a relationship you should always have open honest communication and try to grow together.
Heart rate monitor?
Sometimes you have to…
Sometimes you have to shut the phone off and be alone with your thoughts and journal to sort things out. Currently there’s a storm rolling in but I didn’t pick the time the time picked me, I’m just rolling with it… See you tomorrow. #grateful #camping #floridalife #jeeplife #hammocklife #meditate #ronschoice
If not today, when?
Finding your soulmate
Your desire requires you to change
GOOD MORNING!!! what do you desire? What ever it is, it will require change. Finding purpose and doing something meaningful will also require change. You will have to look within yourself as well as seek and allow the help from others. It’s time to start taking action towards what you want, daily consistent action. You don’t need to know how you just need to know what. What can I do today and the answer to that is anything, no matter how big or small, action that feels good and with the intention of moving toward your goal. Taking action increases motivation and through that action more ideas, opportunities, people and more motivation will come to you and things will start to happen that you had never imagined.BUT remember to enjoy the process, be excited about achieving your vision or something better. FEELING happy, excited and expecting is the secret sauce.
How Bad Do You Want It?
What Are You Feeling?
The Universe does not know if the vibration you are offering is because of what you are imagining, or because of what you are observing. In either case, it is responding. Where emotion comes in is that emotion is your guidance or your response to your vibration. Your emotion does not create. Emotion is your indicator of what you are already creating. As you think, you vibrate. And it is your vibrational offering that equals your point of attraction. So it’s always a match. What you are thinking and what is coming back to you is always a vibrational match. The emotion (your Guidance System) is telling you what’s coming.
Excerpted from North Los Angeles, CA on 3/7/00
Our Love,
(and Abraham and Jerry)
Is Wanting Selfish or not?
Wanting Is not selfish and the sooner you come to grips with us the sooner you will start to get more of what you desire. When you give things to people or do things for people and it makes you feel good in a sense that’s being selfish because you’re doing it to make yourself feel good and that’s a good thing. Just like everything else in life there is a balance, there is a good selfishness in the bad selfishness wanting specific outcomes and things in your life is not selfish that is life in itself. It’s OK to feel good and be happy.