
Find your Valentine

Valentines-day-rosesIn the spirit of Valentines Day this is for all my single parents out there. To want and to be with another is perfectly normal and is in our nature. Life is that much more enjoyable when shared with another, seeing and sharing their joys and life’s experiences makes our experience 10 x better. If you are not in a relationship it is because something is holding you back. Yes, there is pain involved with relationships but the joy should far out way the pain. The goal is to find the “right” person for you and to do this you have to start with you. By this I mean you have to be honest with yourself and identify what you truly want in a person. Make a list, yes write it down, then divide the list up of must haves and should haves. Now ask yourself, can I offer these same things to them? You both should have similar wants, goals, interests and attributes. Yes it is important to have some differences but the differences should compliment each other and by this I mean that we help each other be better and more of who we are. If the differences are to big then it becomes an obstacle in the relationship and tends to make us grow apart. Be very clear on what you, write it down and read it regularly, put yourself in places where you might find this type of person and when you do, don’t be afraid to share that with them after a few dates. Don’t get caught up in the hypnosis of being in a new and exciting relationship and turn a blind eye to the things that you need to sustain a long-term relationship. God created man and woman so that we can love and be loved.

overcoming those health obstacles

First I want to thanks for sharing. We are all motivated differently so I will give my best fundamental answers here and we can touch base one on one if you would like, also anyone else in the group is welcome to share how they over come these obstacles.


Bottom line is that everything starts in your mind, you have to desire the end result more than you care for the current condition. Duh, right but Ron how do I do that? Will power is great up to a point but will power only takes us so far, what was once hard is now easy with practice. My suggestion is to write down why you desire to lose the weight and what it will feel like once you reach your goal. I say write it down because the act of writing tends to commit to memory and then you can also go back and read it when needed. Take a few minutes each day to read your statement and truly feel how good it will feel once you reach your goal. You can use past successes to help generate these feelings, by doing this you are getting your sub conscious transfixed on the end result and will eventually take over like a guided missile to it’s target. It takes 6 months of consistent exercise for your body to become addicted to exercise at which at that point it will be unnatural for you to not exercise. More specifically for motivation to exercise, schedule time, make it a must instead of a should, preferably in the morning, start slow and build up doing something that you can enjoy. As for snacking, count the calories that you have consumed in t he past few days, approximately 300o calories equals 1 pound. Don’t eat for pleasure eat for your health, ask yourself, Self, what is this going to do for my body, is it good, bad, do I really need it Right now? Set certain times to snack and be sure to portion it, never eat straight out of the container. I hope this helps, accountability is a big motivator, that is what got me to take it to the next level, was a video contest. Now of course I could have just quit the contest, it was just a tool for me to use as motivation. You guys are more than welcome to contact me if you more specifics because I would have to have more information form you. Either way please keep us updated on your progress.

Shake the blues and the blahs

Sometimes we get a little blue, blah, down and out but we can’t stay there. Our emotions and feelings are part of a powerful guidance system that indicate to us that when we feel this way that something is not right. I don’t recommend digging too deep but you definitely have to find your way back to a happy place. Usually feeling the blues is because of minor set backs or because we feel we are missing something. This is when we have to find things that we are grateful for, count our blessings,  get our bodies moving and refocus on what will be instead of what is, so get up, start moving, put on some music that you like and feel how great it will feel when you reach your goal. 

Don’t Believe Everything that you read

Here is my Saturday Rant…………..DON’T believe everything that you read

 Trust but verify!

 Just because some one quotes the bible and is a great person does not make them all knowing, just because some one can tell great stories and travels all over does not make them all knowing.

 Trust but verify.

 My passions are my children, personal development, Health and Prosperity through entrepreneurship and I spend a lot of time in these matters. This is why it bothers me when I see half-truths, some are intentional and some are backed with good intentions but they are just misguided.

 First and foremost we are all different and not ONE thing will work for EVERYONE. Life is a people business and we have to LEARN to listen, yes, listening, truly listening and understanding the other person is a learned skill that we need in relationships, work, business, when ever 2 people are involved in an endeavor.

 We have to start with knowing and being honest with ourselves which takes time and practice as well because how can I tell you what I want if I don’t know what I want? And that applies to ALL aspects of life. There are techniques and strategies that help you to figure out what you want, who you want, what you want to be, what your purpose is. We are meant to be and do all that we are capable and that we dream that we can.


Everything does happen for a reason and you are the reason, you either hold your self back or push yourself forward. God lives with in you to guide, support, and give you what you truly desire but he is not going to do it for you. Your creator wants for you to be happy and to serve others, that is his master plan. If you ask for patience he will give you life lessons to teach you patience. If you ask for nothing and just sit around hoping and dreaming then you will get what ever happens to come by, living by default. If you live on purpose, seek out knowledge, put your ego aside; seek the counsel and advice of others from different backgrounds. For example if you really want to know God then you should talk to different people that are dedicated to him, not just one person or genre, this goes for anything that you seek to learn about, gather your information from several sources, then you will have the knowledge to help you which path to take.

 We are all on this journey called life together, what we do here and now is what matters most. Sure there is much gloom and despair in the world but there is also many amazing and wonderful things. In life there will always be a mix of difficulty and opportunity and it is up to us to overcome the difficulties and take advantage of the opportunities.

  All-righty then, that is enough for today; I have to go for my jog.

 Agree or disagree, share your thought and comments with me 

Children can be such a blessing


As a single parent it can be difficult to find a balance and harmony for kids, work, business, play. When the kids are with you all the time it can get over whelming but when they go away for a day or 2 you miss them. It is important to remember that our children come to this earth through us not for us and we have to also remember to take time for ourselves. What I am trying to say is that it is our job to teach guide and mold but respect and recognize who they are, we are raising adults, future leaders, mothers, fathers, husbands, wives. Put your ego aside and realize that you kids can teach you things as well. Take time to know what your children think, want and feel, not just what you want for them. I know that I have learned a few things my kids once allowed myself to. Now go give em hug, send em a text, leave a note in their lunch or one of their school books and remember to first seek to understand before trying to be understood, this applies to whomever you deal with.


My experience whith Empower Network

My goal is to be as transparent and truthful as possible. Life and building a business can be difficult enough with out some one misleading you. I have struggled and been mislead enough that is easier these days for me to recognize it. It is not always on purpose or intentional and that is why we have to have confidence and be clear on what our goals are. Seek out those that have what you want, open your mind and prepare to learn but stay away from negativity. If you want the link to the video that I Am referring to I will be glad to send it to you.

Your desire determines your success



Your desire will determine your success, never what someone else wants for you. All too many times we feel that we need the approval of others or for someone else to take our journey with us. You have to want it for you first, then for family, friends and others. We do need the help and motivation form others but not from people that you have to convince. When you want it bad enough for yourself, those that can and will help you will start to appear as you attract them to you.