
STOP failing and start winning, it’s your choice!


Everything in life starts with a choice. You can accept things the way that they are or you can do something to change them. Your life can change in a second with a choice. Feeling Happy and having a burning a desire for what you do are two of the main ingredients in attaining what you want, easier said then done right? Walking was difficult at one time but now you have mastered it (hopefully). Anything worth while takes practice and practice makes things easier. We don’t know what we don’t and that is why it is important to have a coach or a mentor, someone that can help guide us down the path and lead us I the right direction. I can’t give you all that you need in this one post because this is an ongoing journey that requires daily practice. Once you start to master the art of living then everything else starts to fall into place because everything that you do is done with joy and pleasure. How do you start, focus on the fundamentals and what are they, Feeling happy in everything that you do and having a passion and burning desire for what you do. If you found this useful be sure to comment and share.

Don’t Choose to be alone

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Thanks for reading, as you know; everything starts with you, your thoughts & your perception on life. Fill out the form now to get your 5 free mp3 & ebooks that are guaranteed to help you create your desired life.


If you are single by choice because you feel that a relationship is too hard, time consuming or what ever the reason, I urge you to re think the matter. We all deserve to be held tight and kissed passionately. You deserve to have a partner that challenges you as well as learns from you. You can have that storybook relationship you just have to do the work up front then the rest becomes a lot easier. It starts with knowing exactly what you want and I am talking about looks or the or the givens like being nice, clean, romantic, you have to dig deep.

1/3 of my next 90 day challenge, POF vs eHarmony. I won’t go into great details but so far so good. The new pictures and being able to change body type from average to athletic helps

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Do Motivational quotes work?

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Thanks for reading, as you know; everything starts with you, your thoughts & your perception on life. Fill out the form now to get your 5 free mp3 & ebooks that are guaranteed to help you create your desired life.

picGood Monday morning to you. Motivational and inspirational quotes are great but do they really get you motivated at an emotional level, do they get you fired up to go out and attack your day and your goals? You have to build a personal system to get and keep yourself deeply motivated and to keep that fire going. Accountability and partners and a mastermind group is a best way to get the push that you need when you are in a slump, people that are familiar with you, your struggles, wants and needs. Don’t go it alone because it makes it 10x harder and we already have enough obstacles to overcome as it is. Another must is to write down you goals and read them daily. 1. Write down exactly what you want to accomplish and when you want to achieve it. 2, Write out the plan that you follow to accomplish this goal and 3rd write down what it will do for once you reach this goal “your Why” and read it at least twice a day. Go ahead and take to the step and keep a daily journal of your progress. Now get started.

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“Fishing” for your Soul Mate

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Thanks for reading, as you know; everything starts with you, your thoughts & your perception on life. Fill out the form now to get your 5 free mp3 & ebooks that are guaranteed to help you create your desired life.


If you are single and in search of a partner, are you in the physical condition that you are searching for in a

partner? Perhaps this will give you the  motivation to achieve the health and fitness that you would desire in your mate. The type of bait you use is going to determine the type of fish that you catch.

I use the fishing analogy because I recently became reengaged on the dating site Plenty of Fish. I am going to share my journey with you and some insights on how to use the sight to your advantage. I was of a mind that I did not have time for a relationship and that the specific partner that I am looking for will be very difficult to find until I went through a Tony Robbins workshop and realized that life is meant to by shared and is 10x better when shared. Nothing compares to seeing and experiencing your joys and pleasures through the eyes of another. I see now that I can have that special person now that I have identified what I want and need. Part of the problem is that in the beginning it is all fun and fairytales when actually in the very beginning stages is when we need to do the work and ask the hard questions. You have to identify your MUSTs and MUST NOTs you SHOULDs and SHOULD NOTs. Don’t be afraid to offend or be embarrassed of your wants, needs and goals because you are looking for a LIFE time partner here.

I can go out and have a great time with anybody but the reality is that we have to deal with kids, religious beliefs, politics, short term and long term goals. If you are not sure what you want then make a list of what you know that you don’t want. We all expect and deserve honesty, kindness etc. How important is it to you to have a neat and organized house, health and exercise, your religious or spiritual beliefs. Create an environment that the 2 of you can be open, honest and non judgmental. Once you have established that you have solid common morals, principles and goals then you can go have fun and see if there is chemistry. Nothing can replace time with each other but most people are not extremely honest in the beginning and then that starts to show later after you have invested time into the relationship. Love is an emotion and comes and goes like the tide but true love is a choice. Don’t assume that love will get you through the hard times because if you choose the right partner there really won’t be any hard times. Relationships do require work but again if you do the hard work up front it should be effortless.

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Ron E

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No Easy Button

weight loss is is no different than anything else in life that is worth achieving, if you are struggling or failing in an endeavor, dig deeper, identify the problem, make the proper adjustments and stay persistent until YOU make it work. DON’T look outside of yourself or for an easy button.

Honesty is the best policy, ALWAYS!

Open honest communication is ALWAYS the best way to go even though it is often the hardest, put your selfish insecurities and your ego to the side and do the right thing. On the other hand, ALWAYS be prepared to hear and handle the truth, put your ego aside and get over yourself. It is not up to us to decide how someone else is going to handle what we are going to say, we have to give him or her that option, as long as we are open, honest and truthful. When someone says “I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t want to hurt your feelings” or ” I didn’t want you to get mad”, if it is something that concerns me then let me decide how I am going to handle it, it doesn’t matter who you are, mother, brother, daughter, friend or partner, it is our moral responsibility to be honest and forthcoming as well as reasonable and rational to accept the truth. Don’t be that person that tries to protect every ones feelings and don’t be that person that wants to shoot the messenger. Being honest is bold, courageous and sexy.

If your not sure , ask

Her e is a little joke for you that I found funny and reminds that every ones perception is different and for me to be as detailed as possible by not assuming, here you go



When I was ready to check out and pay for my groceries the cashier said, “Strip down, facing me.”
Making a mental note so I could complain to our congressman about this running amok Homeland Security crap, I did just as he had instructed.
After the shrieking and hysterical remarks finally subsided, I found out that he was referring to how I should position my credit card. 
None the less, I’ve been asked to shop elsewhere in the future. 
They need to make their instructions a little clearer for seniors.