Don’t Worry?

Dear Friends,

I have been considering some rather worrisome things lately. Maybe you have been, too. It’s pretty easy to do that these days. And after I’d had a big enough dose of it to get myself feeling a clear sense of “worry” on the emotional scale, I thought, “I need to focus and make myself happy.” And then, I reminded myself that it isn’t about “making” myself happy, but it is really about “letting myself BE happy.” 

Abraham used to say really often, “If you weren’t doing that thing you do, you would be feeling really good right now.” Or, “If you weren’t doing that thing you do your cork would float right up to the top where all of the good feelings are.”

And then I realized that with so much going on in the world, I have reverted to old patterns that I had carried around with me much of my lifetime—I have been thinking too much and trying to hard to figure things out. Things over which I have no control. Things that I care about, out in the world, that I cannot control. But my mind seems to want to consider them, and sort them out, and analyze them, and make sense of them, and understand them, and most of all, find a remedy for them.

For a minute I felt like scolding myself because I know better. But then, I simply recalled that my consideration, even while it is causing me to feel bad, is what a Step One moment is. I certainly know what I do not want. And with every bit of that consideration, I am launching Rockets of Desire into my Vortex, where Abraham is, where Source Energy is, and where the Law of Attraction is gathering all of the cooperative components for the soothing and solutions that I desire—Step Two.  Then it hit me in a clearer way than ever before. My work, my Step Three work is simple—DON’T WORRY. There it is again! Esther! Focus on things that feel good. Look for them! They are everywhere! The world is awash in good feeling things! Okay, I’m on it, again, for now. I am forever thankful for the basis of understanding of how this all works that Abraham has given us. And with every worrisome thought, I get closer to deliberately applying what I have learned from them.

So, I am again, so looking forward to the broadcast this coming SUNDAY! We’ve moved it from Saturday to Sunday for better flow this holiday weekend. If you would like to join us, click here!

Our love,
(and Abraham and Jerry)

Author: Ron Wilbanks

Ron's Choice is to be happy, love and inspire others by my choices, actions and results

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