How many times have you heard people say, or perhaps you have even said it yourself that you will take the vacation when, or I will start that hobby when, or I will go visit when. STOP putting things off, first of all time does run out, don’t look back and regret the things that you have not done. Second, no one thing, person, situation or circumstance will make you happy, happiness is a choice that you have to make and believe it or not making others happy can and will make you happy.
You don’t have to do anything extravagant and you don’t have to seek out strangers to make happy, start with your family and friends there is very little that is more rewarding than putting a smile on some ones face and if they don’t smile or they are not thankful then you still have the satisfaction knowing that you have done the right thing and just know that it did have a positive impact on them even though they are not showing it.
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To Your
Happiness, Health & Prosperity
P.P.S. Make some one smile today