
What Do You Stand For?

Daily Inspirational Law of Attraction Quote02-04

Do you ever see things that you feel are wrong but yet you don’t say anything about it. Perhaps you feel that it is not your place to say anything so you just keep to yourself. I believe that we all have the proverbial “line in the sand” and once it is crossed we will speak up.

I often struggle with when the appropriate time is to speak up about something, I mean I don’t want to go around being a crusader but I believe that certain people have that path to follow and when the time comes, against true injustices on humanity that we all should stand up in order to make a difference in life. You should take time to consider the things that you would stand up for and what things that you may disagree with but are not worth putting yourself or your family in harms way for.

We are all different and that is what makes the world so wonderful but there are some simple fundamental rules for us to live by so that we can co-exist and to each his own is not one of them because some people do feel that it is there right to intrude on others. If you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything. This is a deep subject but the bottom line is that if we bring love to everything that we do, the true intention to increase life where ever we go and to whom ever we meet, then and only then will we be fulfilling our purpose to serve human kind.


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To Your

Happiness, Health & Prosperity


P.P.S. Make some one smile today


Author: Ron Wilbanks

Ron's Choice is to be happy, love and inspire others by my choices, actions and results

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