I just recently finished listening to this one on audible. Learned some new things and a few great reminders. I think it’s good for you even if you’re in a relationship. #WeDontKnowWhatWeDontKnow #LearnAndGrow #Gratitude #StayHumble #BetterTogether #LoveWins #RonsChoice
Not feeling so happy today. DO you ever get that blah feeling and you don’t really know why? Those are your emotions telling you that something needs to be addressed. I know why I feel this way, I am not having the success at the pace that I desire in part because I am not doing what I need to do to achieve that success and that is because of past failures. I know this because I have taken the time to get to know myself better. My first goal for today is to get myself in a happier state then to address the issue of getting over past failures and keep moving towards my goals. These things are not easy and can’t be done alone or I should say that they are much more difficult to do alone and that is why I am here, to help. We should all have some one to turn to for guidance and motivation. Now go have an awesome day.
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