My thoughts and prayers go out to all that are affected by yesterday’s tragedy. We must bring more love and compassion to everything that we do and should not need a tragedy to remind us of this. It is time for an awakening. Positive Quotes, sayings, pictures and slide shows are great but it is time for action. Be the change that you want to see in the world. A kind word, gesture or act can have s
Prayers for CT
uch a profound affect on someone, not just the recipient, but also by those that witness it. Evil is the absence of good, hate is the absence of love. Jesus told his disciples the easiest way to follow the 10 commandments is to bring love to everything that you do. When you bring love you can’t and won’t want to steal, cheat, lie, disobey, kill. It is a daily a practice it doesn’t happen over night. Don’t get me wrong I am not exactly a turn the other cheek kind of guy but an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. It starts at home, always love deeply, listen closely and learn about the ones closest to you. God gave us 2 ears and 1 mouth for a reason we must listen first and seek to understand. I often weep for the less fortunate and I can not imagine having to endure what happened yesterday in CT. Find peace and happiness within yourself first then share that with the rest of the world. Be the change that you want to see in the world.