
Get the edge

I am Starting Get the edge today. We don’t know what we don’t know that is why we seek the advice and knowledge of those that may offer us a new perspective and insight so that we can grow. Do you have or are living the life that you desire? Why not? Regain that youthful curiosity for life and start asking why again and learn, learn, learn.

The truth will set you free


Yes the truth can set you free from guilt and remorse depending on the situation but the truth also seems to come with a price at times. You know the little truths that get you in trouble “Honey do I look fat”? ummmm, yes? OR perhaps sharing how you feel about someone even when done in a tactful way seems to backfire at times. We have been conditioned to hide the truth because (in a Jack Nicholson voice) we can’t handle the truth. Ask yourself, Self, do I really want to know the truth and how will I deal with this information when I receive it? This is oh so true when it comes to relationships and even with our kids. As a parent I knew that there would be times that my children would do things that I might not approve and I had to ask myself, self, do you really want to know and what would you do with the information. I know things that my kids don’t know that I know and sometimes that was because I had to protect my source. My whole point here is be honest even it hurts and start to condition yourself to be able to handle the truth. We can’t make good decisions if we don’t have honest, truthful facts. A simple example is if you cook something for me and I say that I like it but I really don’t then you are going to continue to cook it for me but if I am honest you have to be able to handle the fact that I don’t like and not take it personally. Of course I would appreciate the fact that you cooked it for me but for me personally I would rather know that you did not like something rather than lie to me. It’s not easy, I use to get upset after cooking for the kids and being told they didn’t like it, I mean how dare they. I work all day then come home and slave over a hot stove, well guess what, that still doesn’t make it taste good. The kids were always tactful about it and appreciated the meal but when I asked they were honest. Hitler comes to mind here because he would shoot the messenger if they brought him bad news so they stopped telling him the truth. Just think how many times we have desired to know the truth but were not prepared when we actually got it. 

Don’t fall for the hype that distracts you from your dream.

$5000 in 30 days, $10,000 a month in 90 days

take this pill lose weight, wear this belt drop inches

so easy a child can do it, follow these simple steps
just trust and believe, let go let god, pray and everything
will be ok, tomorrow is another day, blah blah blah

WTH! Is it just me or does it seem that so many people
Speak in code and mystery. I mean when you take a look
behind the curtain you realize there is no great wizard of OZ
there is no magical easy button. Where is the truth, honesty and

There are no hand outs and one day there will be no tomorrow
You have to live with passion and desire, know what you want
And what your purpose is in life and work EVERY day to achieve it
Stop talking about it and start doing it. Become extremely curious
And learn everything that you can about yourself, people and life.
Every day you should be grateful, you should nourish your body,
Exercise your body, get closer with your creator, educate your mind,
And focus on being, doing and having all that you are capable of
EVERY DAY! LIVE ON PURPOSE……….. we don’t know what we don’t, so
Don’t try to do it on your own, you have to find ways to stay motivated
Because $hit happens and that is called life, don’t focus on what is, focus on what you want it to be ……..ok I am done for now, I told you that you would be hearing more from me.

$hit Happens

Daily Inspiration

$hit Happens, or a nicer way to say it is , Life happens. When you are confronted with an obstacle, problem, situation, you have 2 choices, over come it or let it over come you. Go ahead and get pissed, sad, upset, or what ever emotions that you are feeling, it is ok and It is normal because the emotions are telling you that something is wrong BUT you only get to do that for about 5 or 10 minutes then we have to focus on the solution. Think back to some of your past victories, accomplishments and triumphs to get that winning feeling, make that your goal for this situation. You only fail when you stop trying. Like or comment if this resonated with you in any way. Thanks 

Don’t follow the hype

daily inspiration

If you are grateful for someone or something someone has done for you, TELL them, show them! Take 5 or 10 minutes everyday to think about all that you are grateful for, I mean get really grateful to where you get emotional about, go some where that you can express it out loud, say it feel it. You will be amazed the difference it makes when you say things out loud instead of just thinking them and then to say them with motion and emotion, you will get a warm fuzzy feeling inside and then the bad stuff doesn’t look so bad anymore. Now go share a smile and let your gratitude for. If you don’t think that you have anything to be grateful for then just think about what you would be grateful for if you had something to be grateful and that will draw it to you.

Your BMI and a scale

scaleI was watching the biggest loser last night and one lady said that she didn’t know how she let her self get that way and that when she looked in the mirror she didn’t see a problem. WE FOOL OURSELVES! I did it, even people around me didn’t recognize it because of the way I carried myself and this is why I am such a huge advocate of the BMI chart and the scale. find your ideal weight according to scientific studies not your standard. I had a guy tell me once that he was going to switch doctors because he was offended that his doctor told him that he was obese according to the BMI chart. His own standard was that as long as he could stand straight up and still see his feet he was ok and yes he has some health issues. I am not saying that you SHOULD be at your BMI weight but that should be your goal and the scale, well, the scale does not lie. This is not about how you look or what society thinks, this about what is healthy for you and maintaining it so that you can have a better quality of living. If you can’t trust what you see in the mirror and friends and family are usually going to be nice and not be honest with you about your weight, unless it is WAY out of control, then what other options do you have? Find your ideal BMI, make that your goal and use the scale to measure your progress. Some people make the scale out to be a bad thing, IT”S NOT, it’s awesome to have an accurate unbiased way to measure your progress. I still weigh myself almost every day and I STILL avoid it when I know that I am going in the wrong direction. There is no secret or magic to it, set your goal (ideal BMI), proper nutrition, exercise, take in fewer calories then you burn each day and measure your progress with regular weigh ins. I am writing this to myself as well because I have managed to put 15 pounds back on and I refuse to go back to where I was. Once you lose the weight it is easy to allow yourself to eating unhealthy again, just remember what it took to get you there and let your friendly honest scale keep you in check.



Failure, road blocks, obstacles, difficulties, temporary defeat, do and always will happen in life but our job is to learn from it and when we no longer experience that same failure, it is at that point that we achieve success. Take for example any problem that is reoccurring in your life, figure out a solution, learn from it and move on. YES, there is a solution and YES you can figure it out but also remember that you don’t have to and shouldn’t do it alone. There is always a way




Sure this is easier said then done but it is a daily practice. On the days or occasions that I am unhappy, angry or not at peace I remind myself of the Serenity Prayer – “God grant me the serenity to accept the things that I can not change; courage to change the things that I can; and the wisdom to know the difference”. You will hear me mention this prayer a lot, I carry a copy of it around with me as it is  on the back of my business card. Just remember that ultimately you are in control of how you feel or react to any given situation.