Life is always happening, your Thoughts, Feelings and expectations plus the actions that you take determines your results. once you change the way you think about things and accept the fact that, ultimately, you are responsible for the things that happen to you, All though, Shit does happen in life. You are at least fully responsible for how you respond to what happens to you. Then and only then will you start to shift things in your favor and to find inner peace. I do not know the answers but I have found clarity in what works for me and many others. If you are ready for change, get the Free ebook below. I believe that your mind must be clear and in a good place to have a peaceful life. Your health must be good to enjoy life, then you have to be prosperous to enjoy life to the fullest and share it with others if you desire. We all want different things, your balance is sure to be different than mine. I will share with you the methods and tools that I use. I am an affiliate with many and receive compensation on purchases. I will also share with you how I do that to create an income.

K.I.S.S. Keep It Super Simple. I believe that we often over complicate things. Some times it takes a lot of effort and digging deep in order to keep things simple. One example that I like to give is Electricity. If some one was to ask you how to turn a light on you tell them to simply flip the switch. You would not explain how the power plant generates the power, all the man hours, wire, transformers and engineering that went in to getting the electricity to the house and in to your breaker box then wired to the switch then the light. Mind boggling. You could learn it if you wanted to or you can just flip the switch. I have dug deep in to personal development in order to make my life simpler. All I want to do is share what I have learned and continue to learn. Take what ever you can from and leave the rest. I have not to this day found one source for anything that is 100% correct and contains 100% of the information needed on a given subject. There are as many opinions and perspectives as there are viewers. We never know the whole story and often our own version is skewed by our past experiences, bias and prejudices. Trust but verify. Listen to understand not to respond. Question everything but in a manner to learn and grow, not to prove a point.
My Library has all the books that I have listened to, many of them several times. I am not a reader. I have actually read some of them. Know your strengths and weaknesses. Be comfortable with them but change the ones that you really feel need to be changed if it will benefit you. I didn’t feel it necessary to become a reader when I can still get the knowledge by listening. that is why I use and highly recommend audible. you can try it for free. and yes I get paid if you do. You can to. get the free ebook and get on my email list so that I can share with you how to do what I do.