In the spirit of Valentines Day this is for all my single parents out there. To want and to be with another is perfectly normal and is in our nature. Life is that much more enjoyable when shared with another, seeing and sharing their joys and life’s experiences makes our experience 10 x better. If you are not in a relationship it is because something is holding you back. Yes, there is pain involved with relationships but the joy should far out way the pain. The goal is to find the “right” person for you and to do this you have to start with you. By this I mean you have to be honest with yourself and identify what you truly want in a person. Make a list, yes write it down, then divide the list up of must haves and should haves. Now ask yourself, can I offer these same things to them? You both should have similar wants, goals, interests and attributes. Yes it is important to have some differences but the differences should compliment each other and by this I mean that we help each other be better and more of who we are. If the differences are to big then it becomes an obstacle in the relationship and tends to make us grow apart. Be very clear on what you, write it down and read it regularly, put yourself in places where you might find this type of person and when you do, don’t be afraid to share that with them after a few dates. Don’t get caught up in the hypnosis of being in a new and exciting relationship and turn a blind eye to the things that you need to sustain a long-term relationship. God created man and woman so that we can love and be loved.