Do you ever procrastinate, do things half way or not all or you say “I will do it later or I will do it better next time” You have to do best that you can and everything that you can in this moment. Do all that you can in this day as efficient as you can and this day will have been a success. To try to do anymore than you are capable of or any less in a given day will lead to failure for that day. Do all that you can and to the best of your ability in this moment. Working out? Push your cardio to 85% no more no less; lift your weights to the point of muscle failure, no more no less. Building a business? Give your full attention to a specific project even if it is only for one hour at a time, do not “multi task” this leads to long drawn out projects do to the lack of focus. If you were on an operating table would you want your doctor working on you and another patient at the same time or would you prefer his undivided attention and focus? You are the doctor and you are operating on your life so give each project the attention it deserves, some time it takes more than one surgery to fix a problem so give your full attention and time to what you are doing in the moment. Oh by the way this includes having fun…..Work Hard play hard! If it is time to relax and play then put the work down and focus on having fun.
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To Your
Happiness, Health & Prosperity