Hmmmm….sounds good. Seems like all of the Chinese Proverbs always have a nice ring to them. This one reminds me again a little of the Serenity prayer. “God grant me the Serenity to accept the things that I cannot change; courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference”. Basically it’s better to find a solution to your problem (light the candle) than it is to bitch and complain about it (curse the darkness). Sorry I have to call it like I see it and some times we have to be “out there” to get the point across. I still have to work on this from time to time because I will catch myself complaining about something instead of focusing on the solution. At my J O B I get scheduled for my work each day and some times, quite frankly it is ridiculous but I have learned to not curse the darkness (bitch about it) I quickly decide if there is anything I can do about it (courage to change things I can) like call another tech to switch or just do it (serenity to accept the things I cannot change) You will find that your life and health will improve when you stop complaining about things and start focusing on the solution. Worry and anger over something will not make it get better or go away it just eats at your mental and physical health. Step 1. can I fix this problem yes or no? Yes, then what are the possible solutions? NO, then Breath, accept the situation for what it is and remember that this too shall pass. Be the light where there is darkness.
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