Before you go to bed, clear your mind and then visualize the things you want as you fall asleep #grateful #visualize #manifest #dream #sleep #behappy #RonsChoice
Category: Blog
Ron’s Choice – I promise myself to use the Law of Attraction to Speak Happiness, Health and Prosperity to every person that I meet.
Start taking action towards your goals
Focus on what you want
What are you holding onto that you need to let go?
What are you holding on to that you should let go? Ultimately, we are holding ourselves back by not letting go.
Don’t take it personally
Don’t take it personally. Accept it for what it is focus on you.
The present is pre sent. You have more control than you realize. Your creator is giving you the things that you focus on, have strong feelings about and take actions on. Become more self-aware, be the observer of your thoughts, feelings, and actions and you will start to see.
Busch Gardens
Let go of the old to let the new come in
duet with @wanted #psychology sometimes and many times you have to let go of something old to allow something new to come in #grateful #bettertogether #takecontrol #RonsChoice
Bird bath
If you have a birdbath, please keep it filled with water for our furry little friends. It’s hot out there. 💜

Do you worry what others think about you?
Believe in yourself. You can “Care“ what people think just don’t “worry“ about what people think. Obviously some people matter more in your life than others.