stop with the bull shit and excuses, you can have all that you want but you have to believe it and go for it.
Category: Blog
Ron’s Choice – I promise myself to use the Law of Attraction to Speak Happiness, Health and Prosperity to every person that I meet.
Think Like a Monk, or not
Yesterday I finished the book “Think Like A Monk” and wanted some of my thoughts on it and a few other things. Be aware of your thoughts, feelings & expectations as you take inspired action.
GZF’s why aren’t you doing what you want!?
The only thing that is truly holding you back is your own mind. Set a goal and Make plan to take action check the results make adjustments. Make it a must. Make it happen.
How To Be In This Moment
There is a time and place for everything knowing when and where is the challenge that you need to practice
Be In The Moment, This Moment
Being in the moment and understanding a moment in time, same but different.
How not why
How not why is not always the case but this time it is…