This is one of my favorites that I refer to often. I have always had the desire for financial freedom and the ability to attract money to me for any and all of my needs and to be able to be, do, have and give as I pleased. Through the years my pursuit towards this desire has gone up and down, an ebb and flow like the tides just like many things in life but that ultimate desire for financial freedom has always been there. The ways that I have tried to obtain it has changed and been refined but have stayed true to my goal and during my journey I have increased the desire and I am now getting closer every day to making it a reality. Set your goals, write them down and even use pictures then write out an action plan and TAKE ACTION but never give up. 2 steps forward and 1 backwards is still forward progress because w e all know that life = change = challenges = growth. Imagine for a moment if you will that you are laying on your death bed and you are reflecting on your life, no, seriously take to do this, really get into the feeling that the end is here no second chances and see how many things you regret NOT doing. You really can’t regret not achieving something that you gave 100% too so then the questions remains did you, are you giving 100% to achieving your goals? At the moment you have tomorrow but one day time WILL run out. Michael Landon (actor form little house on the prairie and Bonanza) was quoted from his deathbed “Someone should tell us when we are born that we are dying”
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To Your
Happiness, Health & Prosperity
P.P.S. Make some one smile today