
Do you have talent and skills that you are not grateful for?

Daily Law of Attraction Quote

We all have skills and talents, some God given and some were learned. Perhaps you feel that you don’t have any skills or any talent because it is not blatantly obvious. Maybe you are very patient, extremely kind or especially thoughtful. There is something that you are good at you just have not taken the time to recognize it. Sit down for a minute and think about the things that you are good at.

  Now once you have recognized your many talents just take a few moments to think of what it would be like to not have those talents and skills. Are you a great communicator, perhaps you are a really good listener and you have the ability to truly empathize and understand people, I know that is one of the skills that I have and it has served my well many times.

I personally don’t have many physical talents like painting, music or great athletic ability but I do know that many of the greats had to work really hard to get the skills that they have. Don’t discount any assets that you have no matter how small, thank God for them and be grateful.


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Are You Afraid of Doing or Learnig Something New?

Daily Law of Attraction Inspirational Quote

Practice, practice and more practice, repetition is the key. When you think about it we have had to work at every thing we do from walking, tying our shoes, riding our bike, writing, driving a car and the list goes on and on. So why do we shy away form hard work to master a new skill as we get older.

Change equals challenge equals growth equals life and Life equals change. Be grateful that you have challenges in life, embrace them and realize and live in the faith that it will get easier. Once you get the right mindset and stop looking at challenges and having to learning something new as a problem but rather as a new experience in life to grow as a person and embrace the experience, at that point you will shorten the learning curve and be less stressed.

Don’t shy away from learning something new because the more that you know the more valuable you become to others and have a better opportunity to serve your fellow man.

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Does Your Work Feel Like Play?

Daily Law of Attraction Inspirational Quote

This one pretty much says it all. As an Entrepreneur this is what we strive for is to be able to make “work” our play, to say that we enjoy our “work” so much that we are having so much fun that we would do it for free. What is your dream and what are you actively doing to pursue it? Do you enjoy your job? If you could do it anything that you wanted to what would it be?


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Are you Grateful?

DAily Isnspirational Law Of Attraction Quote

So this one punched me right in the face today.

 I was feeling a little frustrated with my success on a few projects that I am working which brought me down and when you are down you are not happy and when you are not happy you are not being grateful for the things that you do have and when you are not happy and grateful you not creating and open to receiving better things in you life. That is the long and short of it.

  Look around you and be grateful for what you do have and this will make you happy, sometimes we have to really dig deep but when we look at it closely enough we MUCH to be grateful for regardless of situation.

  How does the song go “Count your blessings one by one count your blessings and see what God has done”

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Can You Flip a Negative Thought Into A Positive One?

Daily Inspirational Law of Attraction Qu

Negative thoughts have never served a useful purpose. If you have trouble from time to time keeping your thoughts positive try flipping the negative thoughts around. There is always something to be thankful for or positive about if we look hard enough. Instead of “I hate my job” try “I am glad that I have a job as it is better than being with out one” or “this traffic sucks” try I am thankful that I have a car and I don’t have to ride the bus”. You see there is always a positive side to everything.

  OK maybe not everything but a majority of things that happen to you can be put in a positive light even though it may not seem obvious at the time. During the war a farmer prayed that his son would not have to go to war. One day they were out plowing the horse kicked him off and he broke his leg, well it turned out that a week later soldiers came to draft him but he could not go because of his broken so in retrospect the broken leg turned out to be a positive thing. 

 The Law of Attraction is a Universal Law that is always at work that states like attracts like which means when you pout out positive thought positive things come back to you and the same goes for negative thoughts even though we don’t see immediate obvious results. Try it for a week; try to think only positive thoughts about every thing and everyone.

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Do You Have Integrity?

Daily inspirational law of attraction quote

Remove the ego and this is easier to do. When we stop doing things for recognition and to get some thing in return is when we reach a higher level of awareness and enlightenment. Sure we all want to be praised, thanked and to feel needed and appreciated but it is important to get beyond that need and live our lives in a manner of gratitude and giving because it in the giving that we receive.

Too many times I hear People say “why should I do that, what is in it for me” and what we don’t realize is that there are laws in the universe at work whether we realize or believe them or not, just like gravity.

Do what you do because it is the right thing to do with no expectations. When you give, give with out expecting anything in return. I am not saying that you have to go around being a saint but you will find that it frees you mind when you let go of want need and expectation.

Go out today and do something for something that they will not know that it was you. If you can do that feel good  and go about your day then kudos to you but if you have this burning need to be acknowledged for what you did then you still need more practice in letting go of the ego, keep doing random acts of kindness in a way that no one knows that you are doing until you reach the point the find enjoyment in it and have no need for recognition for it. 

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What Are You Afraid of?

Daily Inspirational quote

Fear is an unsubstantiated emotion and belief in a future out come based on a past experience. The emotion of fear is great because it makes us aware of impending danger, it is then up to us to turn fear into courage so that we can properly react to said danger. If you are walking through the woods and come across a bear your natural emotion would be fear, you then have to take appropriate action for survival or DIE. Today we are talking about fear in building a business and accomplishing a goal but I hope this put it in perspective for you as far as you will not DIE from failing in a business opportunity. As long as you stay focused on your main goal nothing else matters, you cannot get stuck in a paralysis of fear of failure, failure just means that you figure out what does not work. Thomas Edison reportedly failed 10,000 times in developing the light bulb but he said that he successfully found 10,000 ways that did not work. Don’t look to fail but failures are inevitable so use them as learning tools in achieving your goals. I use to not like the phrase fail faster until I understood the meaning. It doesn’t mean to fail it means to move faster towards your goal because some failures are inevitable and the faster that you learn how not to do something the faster you learn how to do it the right way. Fear is an emotion to guide you not to keep you from doing something, it simply means proceed with caution but by all means PROCEED keep moving and avoid making the same mistakes twice, when you learn from your mistakes it then becomes a success the emotion of fear is just there to remind you to not make that same mistake. You ultimately determine your destiny through thoughts, don’t let fear throw you off course because when you change the way you think about things the things you think about will change.    


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Do you bring light to the darkness?

Law of attraction Daily inspirational quote

Hmmmm….sounds good. Seems like all of the Chinese Proverbs always have a nice ring to them. This one reminds me again a little of the Serenity prayer. “God grant me the Serenity to accept the things that I cannot change; courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference”. Basically it’s better to find a solution to your problem (light the candle) than it is to bitch and complain about it (curse the darkness). Sorry I have to call it like I see it and some times we have to be “out there” to get the point across. I still have to work on this from time to time because I will catch myself complaining about something instead of focusing on the solution. At my J O B I get scheduled for my work each day and some times, quite frankly it is ridiculous but I have learned to not curse the darkness (bitch about it) I quickly decide if there is anything I can do about it (courage to change things I can) like call another tech to switch or just do it (serenity to accept the things I cannot change) You will find that your life and health will improve when you stop complaining about things and start focusing on the solution. Worry and anger over something will not make it get better or go away it just eats at your mental and physical health.  Step 1. can I fix this problem yes or no? Yes, then what are the possible solutions? NO, then Breath, accept the situation for what it is and remember that this too shall pass. Be the  light where there is darkness.


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Do You Beleive That You Can Have What You Want?

Do You BeleiveWe all want and desire things but do we truly feel that we can have and deserve them. Our conscious mind can come up with all kinds of the things that we want, both the material and non-material like happiness, a great relationship, cars, a nice house, a good job etc. BUT do we really believe that it is attainable? Are we grateful for it before we even receive it? To we go through our day as if what we want is already ours? I use to have very low self-confidence even though you could not tell because outwardly I carried myself with an air of confidence but deep down I always questioned my intellect and worthiness. I always looked at others as if they had more or was always smarter than I was even though there was no evidence to support it. I don’t know why I felt that way and it really didn’t matter why or where the thoughts came from, what mattered is that I changed it here in the present. After many self-improvement books and audios I started to change my view of myself and started realizing that I am a creation of infinite wisdom and that I could have, be and do all that I wanted as long as I asked and was willing to receive. I can give you countless stories of things and circumstances that I have since crated and manifested I bet that if you think about it you can see things and situations that you have created and manifested yourself. The great thing is that when you focus and get better at it you can do it more often.

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How Grateful Are You?

atittude of gratitudeGratitude is a daily discipline. It is easy to be grateful for the good things that happen and come to us but how about the things that seem bad, horrible or difficult at the time? I am not one to believe that EVERYTHING happens for a reason, why do I say this, because we live in a large Universe connected to everything and everyone around us and sometimes random things, both good and bad, happen to us but for the majority of the time we are absolutely responsible for what happens to us. Sometimes things don’t work out as we plan but when you stay focused and grateful you later find that things have worked out to your benefit. At times like this I like to refer to the Serenity Prayer “ God grant me the Serenity to accept the things that I cannot control; the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference” You have to get to a point where when confronted with difficulty to decide is it is something that you can change or not and then react accordingly while reaming happy and grateful. It is not expected of you to always be happy, we have our emotions for a reason, they are our guidance system but your job is to strive be happier then you are in that moment. It is ok to be angry, sad, upset etc but don’t live there don’t wallow in it, in that moment find a way to get happier and always have an attitude of gratitude. We can ALWAYS find things to be grateful for.

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