
What is the # 1Virtue?

Daily Law of Attraction inspirational Quote03-18It is no coincidence that gratitude is mentioned in so many quotes. When you are truly grateful for all things in your life at a sub conscious level every thing else seems to fall in place. At first it is difficult to REALLY be grateful for everything that happens to you even when it is bad but when your live your life on purpose and with specific intention then you KNOW that things are happening for a reason and that reason is you. If you are living life by default, meaning that you are just going going through life and letting things just happen and being reactive to life instead of proactive then you are living by what others are creating for you. Ask and re shall receive but if you don’t ask then the universe does not know what to give you and that is the reason for the phrase “be careful what you ask for”. Be grateful for what you are and what you have in this moment but don’t hesitate to ask to be, do and have more.

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Happiness, Health & Prosperity


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Are you too Cautious?

Dail Law of attraction Inspirational quote 03-16Being cautious has it’s place especially when it comes to doing things that are physically unsafe. What we are talking about here is being to cautious and being afraid of failure in the affairs of the heart, life, business and adventure. Just think what the world would be like if some of the greatest inventors and explores didn’t take chances. Did they make mistakes on occasion? Yes! Did people make fun of them? Yes! Do people remember for their mistakes? NO! Edison, Einstein, Tesla, Columbus, all mad mistakes but are known for their great achievements because of the risks that they took in doing the things that they had passion for and for what they believed in. What are you passionate about? What do you believe in? What are you waiting for?

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Happiness, Health & Prosperity


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Are you better today than you were yesterday?

Law of attractioin daily inspirational quote03-14Tomorrow is not promised so there is no better time to get started on being a better you. Tomorrow may not be promised but the odds are that you are going to be around for a while so don’t look back and say “I should have stated last year” or something like that. Look back now and see how many things that you wanted to accomplish but have not just because you never got started or did not follow through.

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Happiness, Health & Prosperity


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What are you afraid of?

Daily Law of Attraction Inspirational Quote

What are you afraid of? Is fear of failure holding you back form success or even just taking that first step towards you dreams, goals and desires?  Perhaps FEAR is too strong of a word because we usually think of fear as being afraid of something physically like dogs, spiders or heights.

Let us not get hung up on semantics if you are not actively pursuing your dreams it is because you have doubt in your ability or worthiness to have what you are wanting. The plain truth is if you really want something and you believe that you deserve it you will do what ever it takes to achieve regardless of situation, circumstance or what other people say.

Remember when you were a kid how stubborn you were to make something work or build something even though everyone else said it would not work. Well you are older and wiser now and you know to surround yourself with people that will uplift you, that have and do what you want and that can help you achieve what you want. What would the world be like if we didn’t have dreamers and innovators?  We wouldn’t have electricity, running water, cars, computer, you get the idea. Get out there and go for yours.

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Happiness, Health & Prosperity


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Gratitude is the gateway to abundance

Daily Law of Attraction Inspirational Quote

Gratitude! Why do we here about gratitude so much? How Grateful are you? If you are not grateful for the things that you have now how are you going to be grateful for the things that you want? Gratitude should become a constant feeling of joy and happiness because you are thankful for EVERYTHING that is in your life.

This does take practice because we are so use to taking advantage of all the things around us. Just imagine if you lost everything and how grateful that you would be to have it all back. Some times we have to lose things before we really appreciate them, Don’t be that person, start to appreciate and being grateful for everyone and everything in your life because this will open the door to even more abundance to flow into your life.

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Happiness, Health & Prosperity


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Have you sold yourself hope?

Daily Law of Attraction Inspirational Quote

How do you envision your future? Do you have big hopes and dreams? Do you BELIEVE that you can achieve and have these dreams? What are you doing to make them come true?  You have to create a vision in your mind that you can and will have what you want and that your God wants to give it to as long as you have faith and take action steps towards it.

On the days that you are down and doubtful you have to find ways to pick yourself up and recapture that happy feeling and faith that regardless of the current situation that you will achieve your goal no matter how long it takes or what obstacles that you have to overcome. I believe you and so do many other people that you don’t even realize.

The biggest difference between people that achieve there goals and those that don’t is the belief  and desire that they WILL  achieve their goals, It is not how smart they are or how they look, where they live or if they were born into money. Yes some have a better start then others but it is your desire and faith that will get you what in life.

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Happiness, Health & Prosperity


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Do you live in the moment?

Daily Law of Attraction Inspirational Quote

Do you live in the Moment? Are you thankful and grateful for gifts and precious moments. Don’t be that person that is always saying no and taking the pleasure of “giving” away from others. For some of us it does take practice to accept gifts graciously and it is not because we are not grateful but sometimes we feel that we don’t deserve it or that we are inconveniencing  others.

Pay attention next time some one gives you something or does something for you and make a conscious effort to be thankful and enjoy the gift because you deserve it then just pay it forward.  Remember it is just as good to receive as it is to give.


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Happiness, Health & Prosperity


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