It is no coincidence that gratitude is mentioned in so many quotes. When you are truly grateful for all things in your life at a sub conscious level every thing else seems to fall in place. At first it is difficult to REALLY be grateful for everything that happens to you even when it is bad but when your live your life on purpose and with specific intention then you KNOW that things are happening for a reason and that reason is you. If you are living life by default, meaning that you are just going going through life and letting things just happen and being reactive to life instead of proactive then you are living by what others are creating for you. Ask and re shall receive but if you don’t ask then the universe does not know what to give you and that is the reason for the phrase “be careful what you ask for”. Be grateful for what you are and what you have in this moment but don’t hesitate to ask to be, do and have more.
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To Your
Happiness, Health & Prosperity
P.P.S. Make some one smile today