Now you would think that this is one is a no brainer but there are many people that being nice doesn’t pay or that you always get screwed when you are nice and this is usually because we are expecting some thing in return. When ever you give or do something for others do it with a pure heart and with out expecting anything in return. If you give some money to a person in need don’t second-guess as to what they are going to do with the money. When ever you give some one some thing or do something for them out of kindness then at the point the transaction is over, you did what you did because it was the right thing to do expecting nothing in return. Many of our greatest deeds should go unseen because in the long run you are the major recipient of your kindness. Giving and being kind releases endorphins, which in turn help us to be healthier but it doesn’t work if you are waiting for something in return and holding resentment when you don’t receive it, then it has the opposite effect on your health and well being. It is Scientifically proven that laughter and being happy, really being and feeling happy not just saying it, is very beneficial to your health and healing properties. Now go out there and make someone smile just by smiling at them.
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