
Are You Just a Dreamer?

I01-15f you dream about doing and having great things but you never take any action then you are only a dreamer. Everything that exists in the world today and yes I mean everything, started as a thought. Take the time (10 to 15 minutes a day) to sit down and build that castle in the sky, feel, I mean really feel what it is like to be, do and have what you want, visualize it with great detail THEN through out the day focus on it’s attainment, put that foundation under it. Don’t get caught up in the daily daily, focus on what “will be” because your creator wants to give you everything that you ask for but you have to ask for it and be willing to follow the path to GO AND GET IT. Need some help with you mindset? Take my 90 day mindset Challenge.


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To Your

Happiness, Health & Prosperity


Author: Ron Wilbanks

Ron's Choice is to be happy, love and inspire others by my choices, actions and results

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