What Do You Stand For?

Daily Inspirational Law of Attraction Quote02-04

Do you ever see things that you feel are wrong but yet you don’t say anything about it. Perhaps you feel that it is not your place to say anything so you just keep to yourself. I believe that we all have the proverbial “line in the sand” and once it is crossed we will speak up.

I often struggle with when the appropriate time is to speak up about something, I mean I don’t want to go around being a crusader but I believe that certain people have that path to follow and when the time comes, against true injustices on humanity that we all should stand up in order to make a difference in life. You should take time to consider the things that you would stand up for and what things that you may disagree with but are not worth putting yourself or your family in harms way for.

We are all different and that is what makes the world so wonderful but there are some simple fundamental rules for us to live by so that we can co-exist and to each his own is not one of them because some people do feel that it is there right to intrude on others. If you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything. This is a deep subject but the bottom line is that if we bring love to everything that we do, the true intention to increase life where ever we go and to whom ever we meet, then and only then will we be fulfilling our purpose to serve human kind.


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Do you have talent and skills that you are not grateful for?

Daily Law of Attraction Quote

We all have skills and talents, some God given and some were learned. Perhaps you feel that you don’t have any skills or any talent because it is not blatantly obvious. Maybe you are very patient, extremely kind or especially thoughtful. There is something that you are good at you just have not taken the time to recognize it. Sit down for a minute and think about the things that you are good at.

  Now once you have recognized your many talents just take a few moments to think of what it would be like to not have those talents and skills. Are you a great communicator, perhaps you are a really good listener and you have the ability to truly empathize and understand people, I know that is one of the skills that I have and it has served my well many times.

I personally don’t have many physical talents like painting, music or great athletic ability but I do know that many of the greats had to work really hard to get the skills that they have. Don’t discount any assets that you have no matter how small, thank God for them and be grateful.


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Are You Afraid of Doing or Learnig Something New?

Daily Law of Attraction Inspirational Quote

Practice, practice and more practice, repetition is the key. When you think about it we have had to work at every thing we do from walking, tying our shoes, riding our bike, writing, driving a car and the list goes on and on. So why do we shy away form hard work to master a new skill as we get older.

Change equals challenge equals growth equals life and Life equals change. Be grateful that you have challenges in life, embrace them and realize and live in the faith that it will get easier. Once you get the right mindset and stop looking at challenges and having to learning something new as a problem but rather as a new experience in life to grow as a person and embrace the experience, at that point you will shorten the learning curve and be less stressed.

Don’t shy away from learning something new because the more that you know the more valuable you become to others and have a better opportunity to serve your fellow man.

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Does Your Work Feel Like Play?

Daily Law of Attraction Inspirational Quote

This one pretty much says it all. As an Entrepreneur this is what we strive for is to be able to make “work” our play, to say that we enjoy our “work” so much that we are having so much fun that we would do it for free. What is your dream and what are you actively doing to pursue it? Do you enjoy your job? If you could do it anything that you wanted to what would it be?


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Are you Grateful?

DAily Isnspirational Law Of Attraction Quote

So this one punched me right in the face today.

 I was feeling a little frustrated with my success on a few projects that I am working which brought me down and when you are down you are not happy and when you are not happy you are not being grateful for the things that you do have and when you are not happy and grateful you not creating and open to receiving better things in you life. That is the long and short of it.

  Look around you and be grateful for what you do have and this will make you happy, sometimes we have to really dig deep but when we look at it closely enough we MUCH to be grateful for regardless of situation.

  How does the song go “Count your blessings one by one count your blessings and see what God has done”

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