Are You Nice?


Now you would think that this is one is a no brainer but there are many people that being nice doesn’t pay or that you always get screwed when you are nice and this is usually because we are expecting some thing in return. When ever you give or do something for others do it with a pure heart and with out expecting anything in return. If you give some money to a person in need don’t second-guess as to what they are going to do with the money. When ever you give some one some thing or do something for them out of kindness then at the point the transaction is over, you did what you did because it was the right thing to do expecting nothing in return. Many of our greatest deeds should go unseen because in the long run you are the major recipient of your kindness. Giving and being kind releases endorphins, which in turn help us to be healthier but it doesn’t work if you are waiting for something in return and holding resentment when you don’t receive it, then it has the opposite effect on your health and well being. It is Scientifically proven that laughter and being happy, really being and feeling happy not just saying it, is very beneficial to your health and healing properties. Now go out there and make someone smile just by smiling at them.

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 P.P.S. Take my 90 day mindset Challenge and see what you are missing.

Your thoughts create your reality, if things are bad or good, you created it.


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Happiness, Health & Prosperity



Are You Ready To Jump?


This is just another way of saying that some times you have to just get moving with your best plan that you have and start moving towards your goal, make adjustments and figure things out along the way. Inactivity is the biggest killer of all dreams and goals. As you start to take action towards you goal answers will start to come to you. When I started on my journey to better health I started on super bowl weekend even though we were having a party. I didn’t wait even though I didn’t have a perfect plan I just knew that I had to get started and to stop making excuses for waiting. There will always be reasons to put things off. Since then I have developed an ideal menu and exercise routine that came from many setbacks but as a result of jumping off that proverbial cliff and figuring it out as I went I am now in the best shape of my life and yes this includes my High school and Army days. What ever your goal is make a choice TODAY to start taking daily action steps towards it.


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P.P.S. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you need help getting started

on any of your goals just click on the contact me tab at the top right


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Happiness, Health & Prosperity


Do You Do Things Half A$$?


Do you ever procrastinate, do things half way or not all or you say “I will do it later or I will do it better next time” You have to do best that you can and everything that you can in this moment. Do all that you can in this day as efficient as you can and this day will have been a success. To try to do anymore than you are capable of or any less in a given day will lead to failure for that day. Do all that you can and to the best of your ability in this moment. Working out? Push your cardio to 85% no more no less; lift your weights to the point of muscle failure, no more no less. Building a business?  Give your full attention to a specific project even if it is only for one hour at a time, do not “multi task” this leads to long drawn out projects do to the lack of focus. If you were on an operating table would you want your doctor working on you and another patient at the same time or would you prefer his undivided attention and focus? You are the doctor and you are operating on your life so give each project the attention it deserves, some time it takes more than one surgery to fix a problem so give your full attention and time to what you are doing in the moment. Oh by the way this includes having fun…..Work Hard play hard! If it is time to relax and play then put the work down and focus on having fun.


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What the ^*$%{% Did You Say!



Regardless of what anyone says to you or about you the fact is that it is up to you how you allow that to make you feel. Initially you may feel sad, angry, upset or an array of  feeling but you then have to realize that what was said or done to you is not what makes you who you are, you decide that. Everyone has their own opinion about you and that is all it is, their opinion, therefore the only reasonable response to any ones criticism about you is to smile, quickly analyze the input to use anything constructive from it and continue moving forward in the faith that what you are doing is in your best interest and to the greater good of others.




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Are You Just a Dreamer?

I01-15f you dream about doing and having great things but you never take any action then you are only a dreamer. Everything that exists in the world today and yes I mean everything, started as a thought. Take the time (10 to 15 minutes a day) to sit down and build that castle in the sky, feel, I mean really feel what it is like to be, do and have what you want, visualize it with great detail THEN through out the day focus on it’s attainment, put that foundation under it. Don’t get caught up in the daily daily, focus on what “will be” because your creator wants to give you everything that you ask for but you have to ask for it and be willing to follow the path to GO AND GET IT. Need some help with you mindset? Take my 90 day mindset Challenge.


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You Need Help!

01-14This reminds me of another quote “You don’t know what you don’t know” or unconscious incompetence. There is truly no such thing as a self made person or self made millionaire. True that some may not have had things handed to them but everyone that raised above the their situation and achieved their dreams, goals and aspiration, they all had mentors and coaches along the way to take them through the four steps of learning 1. unconscious incompetence – you don’t know what you don’t know – 2. conscious competence = I am now aware that I don’t know how – 3. conscious competence = I now know how to do it with effort – 4. unconscious competence = I now do it proficiently with out having to think about it. Find some one that has and does what you want and emulate them even if it is from a distance through reading and videos, stay true and focused and you will attract the Mentor – “When the Student is Ready To Learn The Teacher Will Appear”


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